segunda-feira, 13 de março de 2023

Pelo Imperador

 Meu paragrafo preferido do livro, quando finalmente fica evidente que Caifas Caim não é um covarde e sim um herói e que ele realmente se importa.

Now, under any normal circumstances, the idea that I was safely sealed away from a
genestealer horde behind tons of fallen masonry would just leave me feeling intensely
relieved. I can only assume I got hit on the head or something, because without a
second's thought I started scrabbling at the rubble, trying to clear the way back to the
corridor which, by now, would undoubtedly be decorated with the internal organs of
the others. I only desisted when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Grandes Frases de VideoGame

  Solid Snake : Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing.

Caiphas Cain

 "I suggested the wounded trooper Penlan rode back in the cab with us instead.
'Better safe than sorry,' I said, 'until we get back to the medicae at least.' So, despite her understandable reluctance, I was able to replace my human shield and enhance my reputation for concern about the troopers under my command at the same time." GT